The ZH2O/Drink&Donate funded project was implemented by Africa AHEAD in partnership with SKAT Foundation. 25 Community Health Clubs with a membership adding up to 1500 members in 5 wards were started and ran for 6 months doing public health promotion. 30 masons and artisan were trained to site, dig, protect water points and produce low cost water lifting devices (rope and washer pump and the miniature bush pump). 4 Environmental Health Technicians were empowered to support public health promotion, promote self-supply water provision, and to do water quality monitoring. 60 hand dug wells were protected at households selected by the Community Health Clubs. These households had different forms of vulnerability ranging from living with chronic medical disabling diseases, old age and orphans among others. The other community members would emulate the model wells protected by the project thereby sustaining the self-supply mode. Local artisans participated in a Public Private Partnership by closing the water technologies gap through providing the low cost sustainable technological solutions.

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