Madilu Boys Dormitories Project is implemented by SHIPO in Madilu ward, Ludewa District, Njombe region.
SHIPO will construct two (2) dormitories for boys where each of them will accommodate 48 students at once. This means at the end of the project, the dormitories will be accommodate 96 students selected from 5 villages of Madilu ward. This modern dormitories will be furnished with beds, chairs, tables and will be supplied with water and electricity.
Project Aims
The aim of the project is to contribute to the improvement of education in Madilu Ward by improving school infrastructures through building the boys Dormitories and distribute dormitories facilities.
SHIPO believes that by constructing these dormitories it will be a big step to increase the student's performances due to the fact that students will have enough time for studies rather than coming from home where they take a very long time walking to school and going back home. Even though, when are at home, the students cannot pay much attention to their studies because they are supposed to do other family activities.
SHIPO usesparticipatory approaches to ensure the successes and sustainability of every project. As the community finally becomes the owner of the project, their participation and contribution to the project is required. When communities are involved, the handed over interventions will continue to be taken care even after the project horizon. SHIPO does insist community ownership in every development project to be implemented in the community.
In order to realize community participation and involvement, the following will be done
1.SHIPO will conduct community resource mobilization events to obtain human and capital resources from the community for the commencement of the project.
2. Community will be contributing all local materials such as Stones, Bricks, Sand, and Aggregates
3. Community will select their best village masons to work closely with SHIPO mason throughout the project. This process enable the spread of knowledge and skills on construction to local masons but also, helping them understand proper specification/ standards (of infrastructures) and equipment during the implementation of the project. SHIPO uses this approach to make sure infrastructures erected have been also built by the community themselves under the guidelines from SHIPO.
4. SHIPO will conduct good governance training to all relevant leaders selected to supervise the project such as storekeepers, village leaders, construction committees and village masons.
5. SHIPO will provide all technical support and industrial materials such as iron sheets, cement, timber, etc. and will also transport all local and industrial materials to the respective site.
1. Up to May 2018, SHIPO has been able to complete 1 dormitory which accommodates 48 students. Each room was supplied with 2 double deckers, 1 table, 2 chairs and a dormitory is connected with electrical solar power and supplied with water. This modern dormitory is also embedded with modern toilet facilities. The dormitory was already handed over to the community and now is use
Above: A complete Madilu dormitory. Looking at the structure, at left is the embedded latrine and bathrooms (others are in the back side - not seen)
Above: A dormitory as seen from inside
Above: A Dormitory room - furnished with a table, 2 chairs and 2 doble decker beds.
Above: A water flushing toilet for the students
2. The second dormitory is on early process of implementation.
Project Location
Position | Location |
Madilu Secondary School |
Madilu village, Ludewa District , Tanzania SHIPO constructed a boys' dormitory at this school |