Project Descriptions
The Mbozi Farmer Livelihood Improvement (MFLI) project will directly target 5,000 smallholder coffee farming households in the Mbozi district of Tanzania to improve their livelihoods through a multi-faceted set of interventions that include income diversification through milk production, improved water and sanitation techniques, and alternative energy provision. Out of the total, 2,000 households will be directly targeted for inclusion in the dairy value chain either through direct provision of livestock (400 total) and/or training (1,600)
Mbozi Farmers Livelihood Project is an integrated project where three partners are involved in its implementation. These partners are Heifer Tanzania, SHIPO and Mbozi district council
Objectives of the Project
Objective 1: Increase income of smallholder coffee farmers by at least 50 percent through the production and sale of milk. This objective is implemented by the Heifer Tanzania
Objective 2: Increase access to water and improve sanitation and hygiene facilities by 25 percent. This objective is implemented by Southern Highlands Participatory Organization (SHIPO) and therefore, the key activities highlighted below:
Activities involved in objective number 2, implemented by SHIPO
A. Training
1) Form, establish and train water user committees that will oversee the maintenance and sustainability of accessible water points;
2) Form and train school sanitation clubs (SWASH clubs) to encourage students to adopt better hygiene techniques and share the importance with their fellow school mates.
B. Education
1) Conduct informational meetings to educate the community about the importance of safe, clean water for consumption and farming purposes;
2) Conduct informational meetings to inform community members about the importance of sanitation and hygiene as it pertains to their individual health as well as the health of their crops, livestock and the environment;
3) Conduct school sanitation competitions that will promote the importance of improved sanitation practices and strengthen pupils' education on the topic.
C. Physical inputs
1) Install new wells to serve as access points of clean water for community members;
2) Install rain water harvesting tanks at primary schools to give children access to clean drinking water while at school;
3) Construct latrines/urinals and hand washing facilities at the selected primary schools to provide more toilets per pupil and increased access to hand washing.
Communities will provide local materials and labor (e.g. local masons) selected through construction committees who will ensure community-based ownership over the process, as well as improved sustainability. MFLI will provide appropriate materials and staff expertise to guide the construction. The execution of this project is into ten villages which are: Isansa, Iwalanje, Haterere, Shiwinga, Igamba, Itepula, sambewe, Rungwa, Mpito and Nasama.
Objective 3: Increase utilization of alternative sources of renewable energy by 35 percent. This objective will be implemented by other partners
M&E Activities for Objective 2 - Implemented by SHIPO
Obtained Results and Achievements for Objective 2